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Making Math Count

Making Math Count


“Studies have shown that math skills in early childhood are uniquely and strongly predictive of later outcomes across a range of domains and well into adulthood, including the likelihood of graduating from high school and college completion.”  New York City has recently released th... Making Math Count

Ethics in Childcare

Ethics in Childcare


Throughout their daily interactions and work, early childhood educators may encounter many ethical issues with children and families.  You may be asking yourself, well, what even is ethics in childcare?  The answer may not be as cut and dry as some would like.  For starters, did you... Ethics in Childcare

Nevada Registry

Nevada Registry


What is the Nevada Registry? The Nevada Registry serves as both a workforce data system and recognition and professional development system for Early Care and Education (ECE) educators in Nevada. It manages the state's Early Care and Education Professional Career Ladder, documenting and storing t... Nevada Registry

Ensure the Health and Safety of Young Children

Ensure the Health and Safety of Young Children


  Ensuring the Health and Safety of Young Children   Child care providers, operators, and other consumers need to know when updates are made to Licensing publications, forms, regulations, and other information as quickly as possible. Updates and other useful information that child ... Ensure the Health and Safety of Young Children

Getting back to the Roots

Getting back to the Roots


The roots of preschool can be traced back to the 19th century, when Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Friedrich Froebel, and Maria Montessori first explored theories on teaching and the developmental needs of very young children. Preschools did not appear in the United States until the early 1920s, when... Getting back to the Roots

Feeling Stressed?

Feeling Stressed?


  Does the holiday season have you feeling stressed?  Consider taking a training course to learn how to manage your stress! H&H Child Care Training Center offers several trainings courses related to stress. Learn how stress can have an impact on your body, identify areas of stress... Feeling Stressed?

Physical Activity Guidelines

Physical Activity Guidelines


  MSDE Guidelines for Child's Physical Activity As a commitment to children’s health, the following Physical Activity Guidelines have been developed by the Maryland State Department of Education: Preschoolers (ages 3-5) are provided with at least 60 minutes of structured and a... Physical Activity Guidelines

Become a super hero for young children

Become a super hero for young children


Keeping children safe is one of child care professionals' paramount responsibilities in a child care program. When providers know the risks, they are better prepared to mitigate them through intentional planning of the space and more informed practices. Supporting children’s social and emoti... Become a super hero for young children

Lenguaje para nuestros estudiantes más pequeños.

Lenguaje para nuestros estudiantes más pequeños.


El lenguaje es una de las herramientas más importantes que los niños pequeños usan para comunicar sus necesidades y construir relaciones sociales con las personas que los rodean. El lenguaje también desempeña un papel fundamental en la construcción de la bas... Lenguaje para nuestros estudiantes más pequeños.

Observaciones en Puericultura

Observaciones en Puericultura


Observación Esta es una clase de preescolar de 4-5 años durante la hora del almuerzo. Hay 20 niños en la clase y 3 maestros. Los niños se sientan en tres mesas. Sus asientos son asignados por los maestros y hay una mezcla de niños y niñas en cada mesa. Lo... Observaciones en Puericultura

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