Want to be an in-demand infant and toddler childcare educator? Do you still need your Infant/Toddler CDA Credential? H&H Child Care Training is offering a Black Friday special where you can earn your CDA for the low price of $99! The CDA is not only the most widely recogniz... Infant Toddler CDA Black Friday Deal for Georgia
Are you a new early childhood educator in Georgia? Do you still need to take the 10-Hour Health and Safety Orientation, but unsure of which one to take? Taking ten hours of training can seem like a daunting task, and not knowing which format to choose from can make it very stre... Black Friday 10 Hour Health and Safety Orientation Deal for Georgia
Want to be an in-demand Preschool childcare educator? Do you still need your Preschool CDA Credential? H&H Child Care Training is offering a Black Friday special where you can earn your CDA for the low price of $99! The CDA is not only the most widely recognized credential ... Preschool CDA Black Friday Deal for Georgia
Unintentional injuries are the leading threat to the lives and health of children in the United States. Childcare providers need to realize that injuries to children are understandable, predictable, and preventable. Injury prevention is an essential part of quality childcare programs, and ... Injury Prevention Trainings
Working in the early childhood field requires lots of patience and a love for the field. Working with infants is no exception, as these little ones require a lot more attention and care than older children in a childcare program. Newborns especially are one of the most precious... Calling all Texas Infant Teachers
When we think of business marketing, we tend to think of big expensive billboards or television commercials. Every business benefits from some type of marketing, because if customers do not know you are out there, how will you get more income? This part of owning a business can... Family Child Care, Texas Style
It is finally your day off! You sit on your couch and turn on the TV to start your favorite show with a nice big bowl of popcorn beside you. You grab a handful of warm buttery popcorn and start to take in the deliciousness, when suddenly, you feel a hard kernel mixed in. ... Need Annual Training Hours Texas?
Images of children running through the grass or playing on the playground come to mind when teachers first hear the phrase “learning outdoors”. Although not entirely incorrect, as most physical activity within an early childhood program does stem from the outdoor environm... The Great Texan Outdoor Classroom
Toddlers and young children are often drawn to water because they are active, curious, and eager to learn about their surroundings. However, children don't know that water can be dangerous, and they aren't old enough to know what to do if they get into trouble. So, keeping them safe from w... Water Safety for Toddlers and Young Children
To the frustration of many infant/toddler teachers, when it comes to writing lesson plans, it is easy to find a multitude of ideas for preschool children and older. However, when it comes to finding lesson plan ideas for toddlers, you can be searching for hours without nothing more t... Toddler Lesson Plans