CDA Family Child Care Credential Work with children ages birth to 5 years. Family Child Care settings provide an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their ability to provide a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment for young children. They must show their competence in planning and imp... CDA Family Child Care Credential Free Support
Why take CDA training with ChildCareEd? So you are looking to take your 120 hours of training to obtain your #CDA Credential. Why should you choose ChildCareEd? Here are the benefits of taking the CDA training with ChildCareEd. Superior Quality and Additional Features: Child... Why take CDA training with ChildCareEd? Free Resources
If you're on the path to becoming a highly qualified #early-childhood-educator and working towards your Child Development Associate (CDA) certification, you're in for an exciting journey. To make your CDA journey easier and more fruitful, ChildCareEd has created the CDA Club - Peers & PD Special... Join ChildCareEd's CDA Club: Your Path to CDA Certification Made Easier
Fall is a magical season filled with vibrant colors and inspiration, and it's the perfect time to engage children in creative activities that foster their #developmental skills. The fall craft described here encourages children to use their imagination, fine motor skills, and social interaction abil... Developing Skills Through Fall Crafts in Childcare
Teaching place value is a foundational concept in elementary #mathematics education, and it plays a significant role in shaping a child's mathematical understanding. Understanding place value is the key to deciphering how numbers are read and written, enabling young learners to make sense of the num... Teaching Place Value: Building the Foundation for Numerical Literacy
In the realm of #early-childhood-education, fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion is not just a noble endeavor—it's an imperative. Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for children is not only a fundamental aspect of quality care but also a moral and educational responsibility.... Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Child Care: A Guide to Culturally Responsive Teaching
First Aid and CPR training is a critical skill for individuals working in child care environments, where the #safety and well-being of children are of paramount importance. However, it's not uncommon for those new to the field to feel nervous and apprehensive about taking on this significant respons... Overcoming First Aid and CPR Anxiety for Child Care Providers
Child care providers play a pivotal role in the lives of young children, ensuring their safety, well-being, and growth. In this role, they are entrusted with a great responsibility, and the safety of the children in their care is paramount. One of the most crucial aspects of child care is being pr... Maryland! Get your First Aid and CPR certification!
In the realm of childcare and #early-education, safety and #preparedness are paramount. This is why the Maryland State Department of Education's (MSDE) Office of Child Care (OCC) administers and maintains a crucial resource – the list of Approved First Aid/CPR and SIDS Training Organizations. ... MSDE/OCC Approved CPR, First Aid, AED & SIDS Training Organizations: Ensuring Quality Training
Alaska providers are required to obtain Health and Safety Orientation training from a training program approved by the department. Health and Safety Trainings must meet specific content area requirements and be approved by the Child Care Program Office in order to be added to Alaska's Approved Healt... Free Health and Safety Orientation for Alaska providers