Milestones: By Leaps & Bounds IN ZOOM Classroom - 03/09/2023 - #3722

Included with Subscription

Milestones: By Leaps & Bounds - $35

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Course description:

Being aware of development, can help providers understand what types of environments children need. Understanding early childhood development helps teachers more effectively manage their classroom, but more importantly, it helps children develop a strong sense of confidence and determination. When teachers have a strong foundation for what is going on with the children in their classrooms, they will have a much better idea of what children need to flourish. This three-hour training will aid early childhood educators identify indicators of development for children ages birth to twelve and identify any potential delays.

Primary Teacher:
Deborah Kim
Secondary Teacher:
Kyra Hall

Session Info:
Location Start End
140 - Zoom 3Mar/09/2023 06:30 pm ESTMar/09/2023 09:30 pm EST
$35 non-refundable
Zoom 3
Online Zoom, ZOOM Classroom,
Start date:
End date:
***No refunds for missed class***
Class Date: Thursday, March 9th
Time: 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. EST/5:30 - 8:30 p.m. CST

Zoom Protocols:
Students are strongly encouraged to keep their cameras on and have audio accessible. Mics will stay on mute unless prompted to speak.

Location: Online through Zoom
Please click on the link provided in your confirmation email to access the link for your Zoom training.

Tech Support
Please call or text (301)532-8797 or (301)237-1414 for any technical difficulties.
We ask for your patience as lines can get busy right before the start of a Zoom class. We appreciate and thank you in advance for understanding!
Our in-office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. You can also reach us at and via phone at (240)261-4163 on evenings and weekends. For immediate assistance, please call or text 301-237-1414.

Minimum 5 students are required for the class to proceed.
3/35 spots

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