Does the holiday season have you feeling stressed? Consider taking a training course to learn how to manage your stress! H&H Child Care Training Center offers several trainings courses related to stress. Learn how stress can have an impact on your body, identify areas of stress... Feeling Stressed?
MSDE Guidelines for Child's Physical Activity As a commitment to children’s health, the following Physical Activity Guidelines have been developed by the Maryland State Department of Education: Preschoolers (ages 3-5) are provided with at least 60 minutes of structured and a... Physical Activity Guidelines
Keeping children safe is one of child care professionals' paramount responsibilities in a child care program. When providers know the risks, they are better prepared to mitigate them through intentional planning of the space and more informed practices. Supporting children’s social and emoti... Become a super hero for young children
El lenguaje es una de las herramientas más importantes que los niños pequeños usan para comunicar sus necesidades y construir relaciones sociales con las personas que los rodean. El lenguaje también desempeña un papel fundamental en la construcción de la bas... Lenguaje para nuestros estudiantes más pequeños.
Observación Esta es una clase de preescolar de 4-5 años durante la hora del almuerzo. Hay 20 niños en la clase y 3 maestros. Los niños se sientan en tres mesas. Sus asientos son asignados por los maestros y hay una mezcla de niños y niñas en cada mesa. Lo... Observaciones en Puericultura
Nuevos Cursos de Cuidado Infantil para Directores, Administradores y Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil en el Hogar El desarrollo profesional es esencial para avanzar en la carrera y "mantenerse al día" en el cuidado infantil. H&H Child Care Training ofrece cursos de desar... Nuevos Cursos de Cuidado Infantil para Directores, Administradores y Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil en el Hogar
NOTICE: Did you know starting January 2016 Family Child Care providers will be required to take the 6 Hour Medication Administration training. Now, not only Daycare Centers but Family Child Care providers will be educated in administering the medications our children sometimes need on a daily basis.... Family Child Care providers required to take the 6 Hour Medication Administration training by January 2016
Need Professional Development in Different Languages? Interested in taking child care courses, but would like them to be in a different language? Not to worry! Our online platform supports more than 40 languages for textual slides. To have the textual slides t... Professional Development in Different Languages
Estudio de caso de TDAH Fred es un estudiante que exhibe las características del TDAH. Frecuentemente está desatento. Envía hojas de trabajo incompletas, aunque las respuestas que completa son correctas. También habla fuera de turno, interrumpe a otros ... Estudio de caso de TDAH
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that infectious diseases are a real threat to not only our health but our daily lives as well. Keeping infants and toddlers healthy is one of the most important tasks programs oversee. Infectious disease control is imperative in maintaining a hea... Shoo, Germs! Don’t Bother Me!